1:1 Baby & Toddler Sleep Consults with Heidi Holvoet

"Heidi is warm and caring, as well as incredibly thoughtful and thorough" - Maria

To help you achieve more and better sleep without tears, without overwhelm and with my close support, a 1:1 consult with me could be right for you.

Easily email me to enquire or message me on Whatsapp.

You may have an ongoing issue with your little one's sleep or something that started recently,

maybe it's 1 specific challenge (e.g. feeding to sleep, contact sleeping only, not napping well, unable to self-soothe, etc.),

or you feel that you need to address 'all things sleep' for your baby or toddler, I'm here to help.

We can talk through and tackle anything and everything, and set up concrete, doable steps together.

Gentle Baby Sleep Specialist Heidi Holvoet in consult call

As you might know, I work with my own science-based approach and techniques that I've developed over 15+ years working with families and babies worldwide.

The approach is effective - we focus on what really suits AND really helps your baby/toddler,

holistic - we look at every aspect that contributes to your little one's well-being and sleep,

truly-no-tears - there is no crying involved in any form or shape within the entire approach (i.e. there's no hidden CIO or resorting to crying, at all),

and always practical and doable in real-life - i.e. in ways that suit you and your baby, and still make your every day life doable and as enjoyable as possible right now.

If you'd like to book or just like to know more, email to enquire (simple enquiry, no committment) and we can discuss together what suits you best right now.

I offer 1:1 consults as an initial detailed online session where we talk through everything and plan your to-do's, and we can optionally follow-up with shorter sessions in the weeks after, to help with adjustments along the way and keeping on track. Consult fees start at US$120 with advantageous fees when adding follow-up sessions if recommended.

If you don't want an in-depth consult, but prefer a short life-line call or a focused mini-session with me, that is also possible: you can alternatively, book a 30-minute SOS Sleep session directly in my calendar.

You were my rock - thank you so so much

Quotation marks for testimonials"Hi Heidi, I hope you are well. This is a quick update. Vicky is mostly sleeping through the night. [after months of waking and nursing every 1-2hours at night]

I can't stress enough how helpful you were to me. You were my rock. Thanks for reassuring me that my instincts as a mom were okay and that not letting her cry was actually okay. Thank you so so much

You are warm, down to earth, attentive, and adorable. You are always willing to help, and that is something we mommies need so much. Thank you ❀️"
- Ana Brito

Mirjam Breebaart

She sleeps through the night (7pm-6am), we still can't believe it

Quotation marks for testimonials"When I contacted Heidi for a 1:1 consultation, we'd had almost 10 months of sleepless nights with our baby girl. She'd never been a great sleeper and would wake up multiple times at night crying.

Good nights she would wake 3 times, the bad nights she woke every 45mins and the only thing that would help was holding her and walking. We were exhausted. We've had some tough experiences with another sleep coach and a GP who told us to just let her cry it out, which we didn't feel comfortable with, also letting our babu cry for 3mins or more would just end in her being absolutely hysterical.

Heidi was calm, she took the time and listened to our whole story, she asked open questions, all which made me feel like she was there to genuinely listen and help. She did multiple suggestions to improve our baby's sleep, which did not only consist of sleeping techniques, but also involved baby's health , day schedule, food and our mental health as parents. Checking with every step if we were comfortable trying this.

After our 1:1 I had a list of options to try, which was hopeful.

We started noticing improvement after about a week.

Daytime naps became more regular and she would sleep longer. After that the nights started improving and now she can sleep through the night (7pm to 6am). We still can't believe it, and sometimes still lay awake at night in disbelieve thinking she can wake up every second . We've now reached a point that when she wakes up she will self settle back to sleep. Of course once in a while she will have a night that is not great, last week she got ill and woke 2 times, but we could lay her back in bed after 10 mins. No more walking around for hours.

We are very happy and grateful and would definitely recommend Heidi! "
- Mirjam Breebaart

Our night wakes halved - then it was step by step into good solid nights

Quotation marks for testimonials"Our night wakes halved! We talked through 3 different options of 'what to do first and what next' and the long-term effects of each. Heidi gently guided me toward the best option, based on how I felt, and what I felt I could manage.

I felt better than I had in months, more confident and more relaxed. Our night wakings halved with just the 2 first changes Heidi had suggested. Then we continued to improve, step by step, into good solid nights πŸ™"
- Jane C.

Maria and family

If you're seeking a thorough, customized, and truly gentle sleep plan, look no further

Quotation marks for testimonials"1:1 with Heidi is a fantastic experience! We have worked with Heidi 1:1 on sleep for multiple kids and it's been a fantastic experience! Heidi is warm and caring, as well as incredibly thoughtful and thorough. Both instances she spent the time to dig deep and gain a comprehensive understanding of the issues we were dealing with before providing very clear and actionable plans.

We had actually worked with other infant sleep consultants prior to Heidi and only received "cookie cutter" guidance that unfortunately just did not work. If you're seeking a thorough, customized, and truly gentle sleep plan, look no further. Thanks again, Heidi!"
- Maria and Mike L.

Lillian and baby girl

Quotation marks for testimonials"More independent sleep, better understanding and as a mom I felt very supported by Heidi" - Lillian S.


We have a baby who is now sleeping πŸ™‚

Quotation marks for testimonials"We have a baby who is now sleeping πŸ™‚ Our Harry was a little nightmare when it came to both naps and nighttime sleep. He fought every nap from a young age and used to wake frequently at night (a good night used to be 5 wakings so you can just imagine what a bad night looked like).

For the past few months Harry has been sleeping through the night with only one night time waking for a bottle of milk (I think this is out of habit as he eats very well throughout the day and is now 11months so doesn’t really need this bottle of milk - but he is a little piggy). We have also been able to transition from terrible naps to 3 easy naps a day (with 1:1 help from Heidi).

We were not sure how we were going to manage a transition in naps when our 1:1 sessions enter but thanks to all that we learnt from Heidi a transition from 3 to 2 naps and 2 to 1 naps have gone very smoothly. I wish to thank Heidi for her calm and caring approach to helping sleep deprived families, you really helped ours!"
- Jessica P.

You can read more parent testimonials here.

Article Author: Heidi Holvoet, PhD - Founder, senior sleep consultant

Heidi Holvoet, PhD

Heidi Holvoet, PhD, is the founder of the Baby Sleep Advice website and movement, an award-winning author, baby & toddler sleep consultant with 15+ years experience as well as a certified lactation counselor.

Over the years, Heidi has received several awards inluding a Mom's Choice Award (MCA) and National Parenting Awards (NAPPA) for her Baby Sleep Advice website, programs and books. Also, Baby Sleep Advice was awarded "Most Trusted Infant's Sleep Solutions Company 2023" in the Benelux Enterprise Awards 2023.

Heidi continually conducts personal research and participates in continued education and in that way stays up to date with current scientific and pyschosocial infant care.

Association of Professional Sleep Consultants

She is also a member of the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants of which she was one of the earliest contributors. She obtained her PhD degree in physics at the University of Ghent in Belgium.

Heidi is passionate about helping babies and their parents sleep more and better, with her trademark approach that has been proven and praised time and again by parents worldwide to be effective and truly no-tears. Respect for you as a parent and your baby, is at the heart of Heidi's warm and kind support. Her approach always keeps in mind a baby's needs and abilities at any given age, is based on pediatric science and the most up to date knowledge in infant care and sleep science.

As well as the award-winning baby sleep programs, Heidi offers popular 1:1 consults and easy-access 30-minute SOS Sleep sessions.