Contact Heidi
Hi and welcome!
You're most welcome to email me anytime at heidi @ Just keep in mind that my inbox gets quite crowded so it may take a little while before I get back to you (but I always reply to every single personal email, and as soon as I can!).
So for a faster response, and depending on what you're looking for, these channels are usually more efficient:
- Email me with Subject "Interest in sleep consult" for priority replies for 1:1 baby sleep consults via heidi @
- If you previously purchased Overcome Frequent Waking, you can ask me questions on our private support group on our community platform Rested! I'm active on that group daily and get back to you very quickly.
- For advertizing, interviews and corporate requests: use the form below
I look forward to your message!
Business postal address Deeskensveld 28, BE-9451
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