Unbiased Baby Product Reviews ... for Better Nights
Author Name: Heidi Holvoet, PhD
Hand-picked for you
Baby basics
Toddler gear
Baby room monitors
Baby carriers
Co-sleeping ideas
(family bed sharing)
In these baby product reviews I discuss little
gems -
hand-picked by myself and based on my day-to-day experience when working with families as their baby sleep consultant.
Each product promotes
habits, promotes absolute
safety and generally makes your nights more comfortable.
We cover the
absolute basics, specific newborn and toddler sleep products, baby
monitors, carriers and some smart cosleeping ideas.
Baby basics
Toddler gear
Baby room monitors
Baby carriers
Co-sleeping ideas
*Photos are attributed on the corresponding pages.
Can a
help your child
Yes and no.
Yes absolutely, some gear can and will increase your baby and toddler's
chances for self soothing, sleeping through the night, reducing colic,
relieve physical discomfort and so on. That's because they help create
the right environment and
help you create the right opportunities to optimize her sleep.
But of course no, there is not a
product that solves all your
baby's sleep issues, "guaranteed tonight!!!" (please be very careful
with those that do
promise that by the way).
Have your say too!
Share your favorite baby product and tell me
how it
helped you: your experience is super valuable to other parents. Toys, baby
bedding, baby
furniture, monitors, carriers, etc. Help us decide which ones
it for you.
As my personal
thank you!
truly helpful
contributions are rewarded with
a $50 Amazon
gift card in return
! Share your favorite products with me simply by email heidi @ baby-sleep-advice.com or use the
contact form
Recent Sleepy Baby Product Reviews
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