TinyLove 3-in-1 rocker napper
by Eva
For our second baby (who is now 2 months old) we decided to invest into a Tiny Love bassinet that's also a nice rocker. We chose the 3 in 1 Tiny Love Rocker Napper because it has three positions and it's very easy to switch between them.
The positive:
1. The Tiny Love 3 in 1 rocker napper is easy to assemble and it's very light (so it's easy to move it from one room to another, but not while the baby is inside).
2. It rocks lightly unlike some rockers that seem to prepare the baby for space travel. Baby's movements get the rocker to rock, so if she suddenly wakes up, the rocking can get her back to sleep. There's also a break if you don't want it to rock and just use it simply as a baby bassinet.
3. It's very easy to switch between the three positions: sitting position, semi-sitting position and lying position.
4. It comes with an overhead mobile (two toys, lights and music). Our baby girl loves the little sun - mirror. It's very easy to install and take the mobile out of the rocker. The music, however, isn't too calming, so I wouldn't use it to induce sleeping at night or for naps, but rather when playing during the day.
5. The little mattress can be easily taken out and washed in the machine.
The negative:
1. When switching positions it makes a loud clicking noise, which can wake the baby up.
2. When picking up the rocker to move it, you have to use both hands.
3. This is a personal negative point as it may be different for different babies. But I don't know how comfortable the mattress is, because our baby daughter seems to prefer sleeping in her bed which has a harder mattress.
Despite having spent quite some time looking for a good rocker napper, our daughter doesn't nap in it. She only fell asleep in it once and not for a very long time. As I mentioned earlier, I wonder if it might be the sleeping pad, which she just might find uncomfortable.
Or maybe she's just not a big fan of the rocking motion: she doesn't fall asleep when I rock her in my arms either. For her sleeping is all about sucking. There's also a vibrating option on the bassinet, but we haven't tried it yet.
However, she does enjoy the rocker when she's awake. She likes the toys and has already started to learn how to coordinate her movements and try to reach her favorite sun-mirror.
Finally you can find the Tiny Love rocker napper in two colors: brown and red. We bought the red one because it was cheaper.
Comments for TinyLove 3-in-1 rocker napper

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